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Have you ever felt that you're body has been trying to communicate something to you?


That there is a deep knowledge within your being that simply knows when something is good for you? Or especially, when something isn't so good?


Have you ever wondered why it feels so comforting to eat large, warm, hearty meals in winter but all you want is cold pressed juice in summer? 


Do you naturally reach for spices like ginger and cumin when you feel congested and stuffy? Or crave sweeter foods when you are tired?







I believe we were born with a soul filled with equal parts wisdom and curiosity.


Learning to understand Ayurveda is a discovery of the natural force within us all, the deep, gut wisdom that knows what is best for us.

The teacher within.


A deeper connection to your own physical self is possible by understanding

and working with, not against natures cycles.

What if you could feel powerful and connected to your body, sensuality

and spiritual purpose?

What if you could move from a place of passion and intuition?


This, for me is what Ayurveda is all about. 

My goal is to be a bridge between the ancient scriptures and the modern day soul seeking to understand their bodies in a more profound way.

I believe an Ayurvedic approach to wellness will evolve our overall health immensely.


I want to help you deeply connect with the instinctive, intuitive methods of medicine and self-care that lives within you. YOU are your own best teacher when it comes to your body, your mind, your soul!


Ayurveda simply provides us with tools to assist us in working with our surroundings, seasons and cycles for optimum energy, love and wellbeing. 


It has changed my life.

Allow me to help you on your journey with Ayurveda!






Living Ayurveda 

Divine wisdom. 

A short introduction to what

Ayurveda can bring to your life.


The 5 great elements according to

Ayurveda and the role they

play in your life. 

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