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To create a safe space for all types of souls to breathe, move, feel welcomed and challenged in equal measure is how I can be of service in this life. 

I have studied, yes. Spent time in India, yes. Practised A L O T, of course!


The real reason I can and want to step into the role of teacher is because I am fully aware that I am actually, an eternal student of this wisdom. I have fallen flat on my face multiple times and yoga as a practise and lifestyle has helped me to get back up.


I have been that person nervously stepping on to the mat for the first time, eyes fleeting around, comparing my every movement to those around me. 


I now find myself being the one teaching the class!


Yoga is not intimidating.

My yoga is not your yoga. 

Yoga is not about leggings.

It is not about balancing on one arm.

Not everyone needs to chant Aum.

Yoga is a coming home to yourself.

It is yours.

It is for everybody.

Every - body. 



Yoga takes us back to the beginning of our journey, of becoming human. We spark the memory that we are first and always an aspect of the Divine. The physical body was created as a temple to house this Divine moment of peace. 


Why do we return again and again to a yogic practise, what exactly is it that we keep going back for? What is the feeling that, once felt, is so hard to let go of? A yoga class can be a delicious slice of quiet in our busy lives. Maybe we are struggling with stress, anxiety, insomnia and so on ... Movement through asana can wake us up to ourselves fully.


It is an essential, authentic, raw and beautiful awakening and a feeling that once tapped into, stays with you forever. 


When we feel that wave of consciousness in the heart, it hits us like a jolt of electricity waking us up to the present moment and to the knowledge that at our core, we are blissful, pure, loving energy. 


Follow me for updates on classes, workshops and retreats 

I am working on around the globe!







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