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I get asked a lot who Akhilanda is and why I chose to take on her name.


Well here it is.






2 years ago I started reading about Akhilandeshwari.


The Hindu Goddess who is 'never not broken.'


Akhilanda derives her power from always being in flux, in pieces and time and time again rebuilding stronger than ever. Akhila means “whole” or “complete,” but Akhilanda means the double negative “never not broken;” and eshwari comes from Ishwari, meaning the Supreme Ruler.


We as beings are constantly changing, our very existence is temporary.

We have all heard of the phrases, ‘heartbroken,’ or feeling ‘in pieces,’ etc. Often these sentiments carry negative connotations such as weakness or failure. As a culture you could say we are obsessed with perfection, wholeness, everything in it's place. Is this your experience of life? It's certainly not mine! Life is messy, things fall apart, shift and we are constantly adapting...

What if, instead of trying to chase this socially imposed idea of perfection and wholeness, we lovingly adopt this message from Akhilandeshwari and embrace our ability to continue on and grow? 

In our brokenness we are human, we are limitless.


The symbolism doesn't stop with her name.

Her chosen mode of transport is the crocodile.

This Vedic Goddess confidently stands upon the body of the crocodile because it embodies our human fears. Like a crocodile, fear is forever at our feet, gnawing at us, ready to eat us for breakfast. However, instead of falling into the water - succumbing to the fear of failure, loss, inadequacy - this Goddess shows us how to use that very fear as a vessel for action, to transport you into a greater vision of yourself and your life.


What a Goddess!

Everyday we have the opportunity to make a choice.

To shift our perspective and rebuild ourselves - and by extension the rest of the world.


When I call upon Akhilandeshwari, I am reminded of strength.

The real kind.

The broken kind.

I am reminded I can be both completely shattered and yet, stand up tall.

Her message shook me to my core back then and still resonates deep within my soul!

I hope it resonates with you.


I believe through the wisdom Akhilanda offers us, we can pick up our scattered pieces, realise our collective strength and rejoice in the fact that we are all broken!


That is the human experience.




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