I have experienced the feeling of being stuck, and how poisonous it felt for me.
I have also been fortunate enough to know the taste of medicine that is freedom.
I'm aware of my comfort zones, I know my resistance to change and yet I also clearly see my eagerness to run ... constant flight mode.
Yes, we all have our work to do!
Please be gentle with yourself first but also with others and how they are finding their own balance in this life.
Maybe some are dancing way too close to the edge for your liking but for them it is total and complete liberation.
What is comfortable for one, can be suffocating for another. ~
Let yourself be led by this dancing storm!
Don't let anybody tell you there is any set choreography to life.
There are no right moves.
There are no wrong moves.
Neither your earthly age or a date in the calender puts limitations on you.
And please, don't waste any energy worrying about what you look like while dancing - everyone else is too concerned with what foot comes next for them.
You'll learn your own steps.
You don't have to control how you dance in this life.
See that life is dancing you!
Find your own balance with her.
Find your own rhythm with her baby and dance, dance, dance on that edge!