Separating from me is not the same as changing jobs.
It is not a mistake you make, before realising love is what you wanted after all.
It is not a romanticised idea of heartbreak.
It is not new lyrics for your song.
It is not casting me aside because the way I live stressed you out ... then wanting to know what I'm up to.
It is not thinking you'll have hotter sex with another person who has bigger breasts.
It is not a part time break up.
It is not a trial run of single life.
It is not just a separation of the parts of me you found difficult.
It is also a separation of all the parts of me that you loved.
Separation from me is you thinking your life will be better or easier without me.
It means I am no longer available to make you feel better.
It means you didn't make space for me so now I don't make space for you.
It means there is a spot for someone else who will love all the parts of me that gave you a headache.
It means I take it seriously.
It means you don't get to know what my life looks like anymore.
It means you have to deal with your feelings without messaging me.
It MEANS remembering that I was always ok without you ... before, during and after us.
If you choose to remove me from your life ... that means all of me goes.
The love.
The comfort.
The ideas.
The stories.
The talks.
My body and my heart.
Separation from me is real life shit.
I said to you towards the end that you had forgotten who I was.
You didn't understand then.
Maybe you do now.