Do we ever really lose anything or anyone?
Every time we ‘lose’ are we actually gaining?
Someone jumps out of your life, another person hops right in.
The illusion of loss is a big one that instils fear in all of us and is perhaps the harshest and most human of feelings to contend with.
How can someone be cut from your life so suddenly?
In life and in love.
But if you look, illusions are EVERYWHERE.
We think we are standing still but this earth is always moving.
We believe we own things but it turns out our things own us.
We are all floating around this planet, evolving, experiencing, being and believing in the illusion of our carefully created reality.
There are cellular changes happening every millisecond.
We are not supposed to like the same music, clothes, foods or people our entire lives!
Maybe you have been a part of my life since day 1, but if I lose you at some point along the way - that’s ok.
Did I lose you?
If so, I thank you.
I thank you for making space.
Space for people in resonance and alignment with the human I am NOW.
We are constantly losing in order to greet new paths, places and people waiting to meet us.
We are beings made of stardust.
Losing is impossible.